Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oral Presentation Critiques

My oral presentation provided insight on Remember the Titans.  I covered various topics throughout the movie, such as the cinematography, score, and plot line.  I spent a lot of time on the sociocultural context on how the movie was based heavily around racism and segregation during the Civil Rights Movements.  I related the movie to Coach Carter and how Remember the Titans is a similar sports film of crisis.  The struggles that the players face, and their ability to conquer their divides allows them to join together and be a winning team.  The analysis of the good sets and cinematography within the sets added to the movie's greatness.  The key roles of actors such as Denzel Washington made the movie.  A negative aspect of my analysis was that I spent too much time on the sociocultural context of racial segregation and might have been too repetitive.  Overall I would give myself a 19.